Monday, 22 April 2013

All change please, all change...

Morning all!

I've been umming and ahhing for a while now, but having investigated the benefits, the time has come to bid farewell to blogger in favour of hosting the blog on my website. It should hopefully push the website up the list on Google by adding new content more regularly, and there are lots of shiny buttons and stuff to make sharing, commenting and subscribing to the blog much easier for those who are so inclined :) To those of you who have linked up to this blog by email or subscription, I thank you very muchly and would be delighted if you would be so kind as to sign up to the new blog too - there's conveniently a lovely 'All Aboard' link on the right hand side of the new page via which you may indulge ;)

I'm leaving all the old posts in situ so this will all still be here, but for future (mis)adventures, experiments and general millinery musings: roll up, roll up, and step this way...

1 comment:

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